From the activities of the Polish Librarians' Association

      The first period of activity of the PLA in Gorlice was connected to the work of Stanisław Gabryel, MSc, the longstanding chairman of the Regional Management of the PLA in Rzeszów and a member of the Main Management. From 1956, through his attempts, the first organisational meetings were held, gradually increasing the activity of librarians and the number of members. The first years of work were a period of making numerous contacts with literary and scientific organisations and associations. Stanisław Gabryel was responsible for the high level of professional performace of the library employees. He put great emphasis on social work of the librarians assembled in the Association.

      Almost from the beginning the aims and tasks of the Department of the PLA in Gorlice were specified, and its whole realm of activities include the following main items:

      1) instruction activities
      2) publishing activities
      3) exhibitional activities
      4) activities for integration of the occupation of librarians

      Assessing the instruction activities of the Department and from 1975 of the Circle of PLA in Gorlice, one should underline that during the whole period the members of the Association were timely informed about the current problems of the Polish Librarianship. In instructional work, professional librarians' periodicals were used. Annually organised meetings were devoted to different problems from the field of librarianship. Help was offered to newly - appointed workers, who studied through long - distance learning, and to apprentices. Internal instruction courses for groups and individuals were conducted.

      Publishing initiatives of the PLA Department in Gorlice were undertaken together with other organisations and institutions. The beginning of these activities, together with the Association of the Lovers of the Earth from the Gorlice Region, was the preparation of the work "At the river Ropa", consisting of 3 parts. From the initiative of members in 1977 "The Guidebook of the Municipal Public Library" was issued. Through the attempts of the Circle in 1978 MPL in Gorlice obtained its own ex libris in two versions which were issued in 30.000 and 5.000 items, respectively.

      Members of the Association took active part in organising, through MPL, tens of exhibitions, commemorated in the chronicles of the Library. Tehse members contributed largely to the selection of the themes of the exhibitions and plastic decorations.

      The activity of the Association for integration of the occupation of librarians was displayed by improving the professional qualification and the representation of the librarian community outside exchange of professional experiences, through participation of members of the Association in instruction excursions, participation in social activites, organisation of a wide range of competitions and participation in jubilee celebrations.

      The members of the Association took part in many activities of the Association of the Lovers of the Earth from the Gorlice Region and invited the representatives of the city authorities and educational authorities to their meetings. They took part in meetings with politicians, cultural and social workers. The result of the direct contacts was the expansion of solid cooperations.

      The PLA Circle was favoured by being awarded the first prize in the competition of the working efficiency of the regional PLA in 1978/79, organised by the Main Management of the PLA, which lasted from 1.10.1978 to 30.06.1979.

      The first lady president of The Management of the PLA Department in Gorlice was Maria Muszyńska, between 1960 and 1965, then this function was fulfilled till 1975 by Stanisław Gabryel and from 1975 to 1987 the president was Maria Waląg, and at present this function is performed by Ewa Bochenek.